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Telcan International Callback Service

International Callback allows you to call anywhere in the world from anywhere in the world with savings that can be enormous compared to what your incumbent telephone company may charge you for the same call. Choose the plan that has the features & rates most advantageous to your calling needs.

What is International Callback ?

International Callback is a service designed to provide less expensive U.S. international long distance rates to businesses, individuals, cell phone callers, travelers and callers in countries outside the United States. Although it has been replaced in many countries by declining calling rates, low cost VOIP and calling cards, there are places where callback is still a great solution for cost savings and convenience.

How does International callback work ?

The customer either initialtes a web callback via the Internet or dials a U.S. number (which never answers) and hangs up after one or two rings. The U.S. international callback computer immediately calls back the caller with a U.S. dial tone. The caller then makes his call as usual. He may dial a U.S. number or a number in any other country, using the U.S. lines billed at our low rates.

For example, say you want to make a call from France to Japan. From your telephone in France, you simply dial the international callback computer in the U.S. at a number assigned to you and hang up after one or two rings (there is no charge for this part of the call if the call is not answered). The international callback computer will immediately call you back at your preprogrammed callback number with a dial tone. You then enter the number in Japan you wish to call and you are connected. That's all there is to it. The cost per minute you pay is the sum of the rates for the two countries involved. In this example, it would be the sum of the France rate and the Japan rate.

International Callback services include a "follow me" feature allowing you to reprogram your callback number in advance of your next destination and an "auto-routing" feature which allows for prompting of extension/room-numbers for company and hotel applications, so when the computer calls back a voice prompt will repeatedly ask for your extension or room number.

How will I be billed for the International Callback service ?

Individuals and businesses with moderate usage are billed to major credit card. Those with high monthly usage have the option for payment by check or wire transfer in conjunction with a cash deposit. All accounts receive itemized statements of all usage for the billing period. For large organizations sub-account billing is available to track project or employee usage. Consult TelCan's International Callback web site for details.

What is the quality of the International Callback connection ?

The US backbone providers are 100% digital fiber optic networks making for excellent voice quality on your international callback. Cellular phone, fax, and high speed data transmission are fully supported.

So, why do we recommend TelCan International Callback ?

TelCan historically has been one of the highest quality international callback providers and, while other callback providers have come and gone, they've been in the interenational callback business longer than most, since 1997. Their features are great. Your calls records and balance are updated instantly and can be viewed in real time online. You can make account changes, callback number changes, and enter trouble tickets online via your account manager.  Initiate a callback over the web.  Get notified by email when a rate to countries you call drops. Initiate a live customer service callback via the web. Excellent rates and quality.

TelCan offers other great products as well.  Check out their:

- Callture Virtual PBX - VOIP PBX system starting at $9.99/month
- Dial Around service (for US and Canada customers only)
- Toll Free service - Immediate activation, change ring-to numbers instantly online, simultaneously ring multipe ring-to numbers, vanity numbers and many more features !
- Universal PIN / Prepaid Calling Card - rechargable international calling card with great rates.
- Call Me Buttons - Have your clients and potential customers receive a call back from you at the click of a button on your web site.